Sunday 13 September 2015

Chika Ike Reveals How She Enjoys Life Without Sex


In April 2015,Chika Ike celebrated 5 months of celibacy.It appears she is still sticking to her resolve as she revealed in a chat with the SUN 
You took a break from sex, is that part of the beauty routine too?
No, not at all (laughter). Sex is not part of my beauty routine right now. I just want to focus on my movie, Nwa Teacher, and the reality show, African Diva. I’m very determined. If I make up my mind to do something I face it. I decided to be celibate for now and I’m enjoying it.
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How did your partner take the decision to be celibate?
Well, he understands but I don’t really have a boyfriend or partner right now.
Hope you won’t surprise us with your wedding invitation card soon?
It could happen but I’m not really into any relationship right now. All my energy is channelled on my new projects.
Sometime ago you went on a tour that made tongues wag, how did you take reactions that trailed the move?
I had to do what I had to do; all work and no play makes Chika a dull girl so I made it compulsory to take a vacation yearly to relax and make myself happy.  Even if it might annoy some people but I don’t really care; I just want to be happy.
It was rumoured that a sugar daddy sponsored the trip?
Wow! People said all that? I didn’t hear-o. Well, I guess they forget that I’m an Ambassador to different brands. I earn my money. I have a store called Fancy Nancy. I’m business woman, actress and lots more. So I make my money and deserve to be happy. I owe my success to God and constant hard work

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