Friday, 5 August 2016

Male Kim Kardashian planning permanent lip implant to look more like his idol

Male Kim Kardashian 'look-a-like' is attempting to be more "natural" after reducing his lip fillers - only after he has had more surgery.

Jordan Parke, 25, has spent more than £150,000 on plastic surgery, including liposuction, a chin implant and two nose jobs.

During an appearance on This Morning ,he said that he was advised to reduce his lips which were enormous after he had been injecting mystery chemicals himself.
It turned into a disaster when they started leaking so now he is changing tack: "I'm just going au naturel now. I get a little bit bored. I get that buzz at first then I'm like [shrugs]." 
 Now Jordan is set to have a lip implant that will mean he will no longer have to have them filled every few months. He is also planning his  third nose job operation in November. Jordan also complained to the presenters that he doesn't even want to look like the Kardashian queen:
"I didn't pay to look like her. if I did I would be getting a refund."

Speaking to the Manchester Evening News, Jordan says he’s enjoying the fame as he had always wanted to be well known.

He said: “It’s so exciting. I’m doing a lot of television work and so much abroad too. It’s what I have always wanted to do. I wanted to be famous or be well known so this is great.”
“I’m just not happy with my nose still. I am also getting a lip implant which means I won’t have to keep getting them filled. It will only be small though, because I’m going for a much more natural look. “I love myself and am confident but it does become an obsession that you want everything to be perfect.

“My mum is really supportive of everything I do but she says I don’t need another nose job. But I don’t think I will ever stop.”

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